
“One of the top presenters I have ever listened to.”

If you have not heard Carol speak, you need too. Her presentations are AMAZING. The information she shares, the way in which she presents the information and the clarity in her voice make her one of the top presenters I have ever listened too. Engaging! Thank you Carol!

Crystal Donnelly

Owner Mortgage
Sisters West

“Carol was AMAZING!”

“The Active Shooter presentation in Denver set
the bar pretty high for me! Carol was AMAZING!”

Risk Control Workshop

Denver, C0

“On the mark!”

Outstanding! It truly was on the mark!

Wesley Wheeler

Director of Safety
National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA)

“Her style and delivery includes the entire audience.”

As a facilitator of experiential learning, I know it can be a challenge for any presenter to pull-off an experiential component to large audiences and make it meaningful and effective. Seeing Carol Cambridge’s Active Shooter program taught me that not only does she give great practical ideas to address a significant workplace issue, her style and delivery manages to include the entire audience in seeing, feeling, and living a dramatization that can save their lives. For me, the best learning is a lived experience with a meaningful debrief and connection to our world. Carol does all these things so wonderfully well and the audience enjoys the opportunity.

Bob Parker

The Pit Crew Challenge

“Had a blast participating!”

Loved your Keynote!
Thought it was very effective and I had
a blast participating!

Steven Hnatishin

Program Manager with Made Safe
Canadian Society of Safety Engineers

“You Scored!”

You scored a 4.9 out of 5! Our members LOVED
the Active Shooter presentation!

Leslie Swan

BevCap Management
Best Practice Workshop 19

“She made an uncomfortable topic comfortable and informative.”

“It was an eye opening experience. As a hunter and being around guns all of my life I would have thought I would have performed better in the first mock shooting. After understanding what was done wrong I don’t think I will ever make that mistake again either in an active shooter situation or anything similar to.

Our company has a three day music festival every year for the last 17 years and I hope we will never have to use this training but, if needed I’m glad we will be more prepared.

“I thought she made maybe an uncomfortable topic comfortable and informative.  Also liked the interactive portion, that was eye opening.

“Definitely made me more aware of my surroundings especially in the workplace and at larger events. What great tools Carol and her team were able to give us.”


Attendee’s Wespac Construction,

Scottsdale, AZ

“Carol brings energy & expertise!”

“Carol brings both energy and expertise to her seminars, then amplifies the message by drawing on the experience of her audience. She creates a highly charged learning environment certain to leave an indelible, often sobering impression on participants. Our leadership team was quick to apply Carol’s key concepts in our own violence prevention efforts and actual crisis response.”


Ed Sheffield

Director of Management Service,
The Wendco Group

“Easy to follow presentation style.”

“Carol’s charismatic and easy to follow presentation style makes her a top notch teacher. I have recommended her to multiple clients and had her present at risk control workshops that I run. Carol is a wonderful speaker and a good friend as well. I highly recommend any of Carol’s presentations, but her active shooter presentation is my favorite. It is unfortunate that we need to have a presentation on this subject matter, but her delivery and content could actually save your life.”


Mark Makoui

Vice President Risk Control, CRI

“We highly recommend Carol.”

“Carol shares personal stories that help you relate to the situation. We left the training with a better understanding of general practices and how we can improve our own workplace safety! She even gave us a free 30 min consultation to ask questions regarding improving our own safety policies and procedures. We highly recommend Carol!”


Katie Yahrmarkt

HR Generalist, Center for Neuro Skills

“Her tips are practical & relevant.”

“Carol is an engaging presenter who uses relevant case studies & examples to drive her points across to the audience. Her tips are practical, relevant & designed to create a more civil and safe workplace. ”


Geneva Douglas

Learning & Dev Mgr. Loudoun
County Government

“Very impactful!”

I saw your presentation last week in Seattle and was very impressed! It was very impactful!


Jamie Dabbs

Director of Safety, TDIndustries

“Carol was engaging and exceeded our expectations!”

“Our association ​thought the presentation was uniquely insightful and very informative. Her information provided much needed awareness regarding the potential for workplace violence. It provided the necessary training we need to help protect our employees in our programs within Indian Country. Carol was very engaging and exceeded our expectations with this workshop.”


Kent Walden

Vice President,
National Tribal Child Support Association

“You’ve made a difference in my life.”

“The best training I’ve had in years regarding workplace safety. Thank you Carol – you have made a difference in my life. I wish you good health and happiness. I feel empowered.”


Felicia Gray

Community Outreach Liaison,
LA Health Care Plan

“You brought it to life!”

“Carol, you were extraordinary! You took what could be a mundane & boring subject & brought it to life.”


Todd Smith

President & CMO, Sonic Drive In

“All thumbs up!”

“AZAGC’s Employment Practice Professionals committee were all “thumbs up” for Carol Cambridge’s “Stay Safe in the Workplace” presentation. Carol provided guidance on how to handle potential work place threats with real life situations. It was eye opening when they realized how vulnerable their organizations were to workplace violence. Great presentation by Carol.”


Amanda McGinnis

Senior VP,
AZ Chapter Associated General Contractors

“Great Resource.”

“You were a great resource to us as we tried to navigate a very difficult situation.”


Jim Bingham

Executive Vice President,
Hoffman & Hoffman


“I think your session on Active Shooter was brilliant as far as engaging our group and having it stay in our minds.”


Joe Bolis

Field Safety Director,
Lundquist Associates

“You kept my attention.”

“Compliments to you on your presentation in Scottsdale. I have been in safety for over 46 years and for the most part it is difficult to stay focused during most presentations but YOU kept my attention and I enjoyed all that you had to offer.”


Fred Swingle

Safety & Compliance Mgr,
Maid-Rite Specialty Foods


“This is a unique experience and surprisingly fun!”


Tracy Stendardo

VP Risk Control, Affinity Group

“Feedback was very positive.”

“Feedback on your active shooter session was very positive.”


Deborah Dugan

VP Sales & Marketing, Canadian
Assn. of Exhibition MGT

“Carol’s drill definitely puts her training above all others!”

“We hired Carol to come and train our 150 wholesale employees on Active Shooter. I can’t say enough about her presentation, professionalism, and just who Carol is as an all around person. I got tons of great feedback after the training and- for once – not one negative comment! I have been to 3 Active Shooter classes and Carol’s ‘drill’ definitely puts her training above all the others. Look forward to working with her again someday!”


Beth Kratochvil

Vice President, Douglas Distributing

“Amazing Experience!”

“Carol’s keynote was the most amazing experience.”


Debbie Guidice

Tulalip, WA
3’C’s Conference

“Actions & Words change Lives.”

“Carol demonstrated how the power of our actions & the power of our words can change lives, including our own.”


Bonnie McCombs

Training Manager,
Northwest Power Association