Active Shooter Training
Video Series

Are your people prepared
for an active shooter?

We know that most organizations want to help their employees respond immediately and appropriately to an active shooter if they are ever faced with one. Human Resource Professionals and Safety Professionals everywhere want a solution that teaches their people the best course of action without terrifying them!

Our 12-part “Surviving an Active Shooter” video series may be your answer! Each training video is 2-4 minutes in length. Why? Because studies have shown that adults retain information better when they receive it in small portions. We provide a Facilitators Guide for each video which allows facilitators to engage the audience and lead an in-depth discussion.

5 Reasons to start using this tool immediately:

Shake up your monthly safety meetings. Highlight a different video each month and create amazing discussions that will liven up your meetings.

It’s relevant, thought provoking and memorable

Save time and money in training your people. It’s affordable

Efficient and flexible way of training your employees

Expand your reach to your remote workers, field offices & lone workers

Some clients are even using this as an on-boarding tool.

Real World lessons your people
will discover:

  • How to SURVIVE an active shooter situation
  • Techniques & skills that can save their lives
  • The nuances of active shooter situations
  • Understand how we respond physically and mentally in a crisis
  • The best methods of escaping and how to help others escape

Who is this video series
designed for?

Well, it’s perfect for safety meetings! You can show one a month for 12 months or watch several at a time. The flexibility of the short videos allow you to use them in a variety of ways. Your choice!

In reality, this series will be useful to everyone in your organization.

It’s Easy to Use: You don’t need
to be a techie!

Use your own
learning platform

Easy to play, easy
to listen on your laptop, computer, smart phone

Easy to distribute in your
organization as there is no
licensing required

Want to see a sample before you buy?
No problem!

Simply send us your name, your title, your business name and your business e-mail and we’ll make sure you get a sample. Please note we cannot send video’s to a gmail or non-business email address)

Fill the information fields
and we will send you sample!

Is this as good as in-person training?

We don’t think anything is as good as in-person training! The reality is that not everyone can afford to bring Carol in for in-person training.

Time and money are important in today’s world and yet so is saving lives. This video series is a great add-on to Carol’s in-person training, but it is also a stand-alone product with a great facilitators guide that can help anyone to create energetic conversations, answer questions and provide-life saving skills for their employees.

“This is a great series and easy to share.”

Kim Dierolf

HR Manager/Safety Director
WAI Global

Help your employees be prepared!